
Author Archives: Sandali Perera

Benefits of Vitamin C For Face Care

You would probably know about Vitamin C if you are interested in skincare. Vitamin C is a good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredient that contains in many skincare products.

But if you are new to skincare and hoping to buy a vitamin C product for your skin without knowing its benefits, this guide will be helpful to you.

In today’s post, I’m going to discuss the benefits of Vitamin C for face and skin care. So let’s begin.


Lipstick is an important part of a makeup look. The color and the nature of your lipstick affect your whole makeup look.

Maintaining good and healthy lips, choosing the correct lipstick shade, follow the correct application methods are very important if you want to get a perfect lip look.

In this post, I will show you 5 important steps that you must follow for a perfect lip look.

7 Self-Proven Tips For Oil-Free Makeup

Even though doing makeup and enhancing my natural beauty is my favorite, I hate to become my face oily after doing my makeup.

Some people see makeup as a thing to cover ugly faces. But personally, everyone has a unique beauty and makeup is used just for enhancing it.

I have tried many tricks to avoid a greasy makeup look. Here are the things that worked for me.

If you are troubled with oily makeup and look for tips on how to do an oil-free makeup look, then try these few tips.

So, let’s begin.


Choosing the right foundation color is the hardest thing faced by beginners. It took me multiple tries for me to select the right foundation color and type for my skin.

Choosing the wrong foundation type and color can make your skin look terrible. I experienced it many times when I went to salons to do makeup. Usually, some makeup artists fail to identify my skin type and the foundation color for me. Now I know better.

Today, I brought you 6 easy tips to choose the foundation color for your skin. This beginner-friendly guide will never fail you when buying a foundation.


When talking about makeup and fashion, our skin tone and undertones cannot be avoided. Everyone needs to know about their skin tone and undertone if they want to make a perfect makeup look.

You may have failed many times when you select the right foundation color for your skin. But by learning to identify your skin tone and undertone, you can select the exact right foundation color for you. 

In this post, I will discuss skin tone and undertone and how to identify them.


Oily skin is a common concern for many people. One of the issues that we face as people with oily skin is skincare issues like acne and breakouts. 

As a result, many people struggle to get rid of oily skin. But it’s important to know that oil is a necessary part of our skin and we should not try to completely get rid of it. Instead, what we should do is try to control it.

In this post, I will show you how to control oily skin naturally at home.


Our skincare regimes typically include the step of moisturizing. Moisturizers for our skin have a lot of advantages.

You might be concerned about what moisturizer to use if you have oily skin. Because hydrating our skin is the main purpose of a moisturizer. Oily-skinned people do not require more hydration.

You may have also noticed that certain moisturizers cause your face to produce extra oil after application. As a result, moisturizing may occasionally be neglected. So does using a moisturizer for folks with oily skin make sense? 

In this article, I’ll go through how to make a moisturizer at home with some organic ingredients. These moisturizers work nicely for oily skin.


Face toners are an unavoidable factor in a skincare routine. But most people do not think of toner as an essential thing. 

Toners can use for any skin type. But they are very essential for those who have oily skin.

There are many commercial toners that you can buy. But in this case, I will show you how to make a toner using natural ingredients. These homemade toners are really effective for oily skin and you can use them with confidence.

So, let’s begin.